
Monday, October 8, 2012

K-D Tree Generation With Apache Pig

An idea that's been rolling around in my head for a while now has been how to create a k-d tree with pig. I've been hesitant to post about it because it seemed like a ridiculous idea. That is, a k-d tree is typically generated recursively. So how can you parallelize its creation without reverting to some complicated iterative solution? Turns out it's an important topic in graphics rendering, particularly with respect to ray tracing, and some smart folks in that field have a pretty good parallel solution. Since we're here to talk about pig, and not graphics rendering, I'll go ahead and skip to the juicy bit. The idea is to first break the space your points lie within into non-overlapping partitions. A non-parallel k-d tree algorithm is then applied to each of the partitions in parallel. The resulting trees, one per partition, are then merged to create the final tree. That's it. Seems obvious in hindsight.


First off, why bother pigify-ing the creation of a k-d tree? Pig is pretty much limited to problems where high latency isn't a concern and so unless the set of things we're planning on indexing is huge it doesn't make much sense to talk about it other than as a theoretical exercise. Well. Let's see...

  • Suppose you wanted to create your own index of star brightness observations (of which this meager database has over 20 million). Given a set of galactic coordinates and time, what observations lie nearby in space and time? Maybe a k-d tree would help!
  • Pssh, star brightness observations, that's basically only 4 dimensions, what about indexing document vectors for all the web pages in the Common Crawl data set? You could try a k-d tree.
  • What about satellite data? There's an interesting (and old) project called the International Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP). Want to know cloud properties for a region over time? Well, one of their data sets has broken the world into a grid of 30km x 30km 'pixels' and reports all sorts of interesting cloud properties for each those pixels for over 30 years! It's about 5GB of data per month... Yikes. I'm going to reach for a k-d tree to search through that beast.

problem outline

So now that we're sufficiently motivated (and come on, if stars, web pages, and clouds don't get you going then what the hell are you doing here?), let's work through a much smaller example that we can actually look at. I find with problems involving points it's most intuitive to use geo data as a starting point. Geo data is easy to think about and you can plot your results on a map for verification.

The example geo data we'll use is from the Geonames data base and is simply a list of all the cities in the world with population greater than 1000. We're going to use pig create a k-d tree containing these cities. Some ways of storing and querying this k-d tree will be discussed.  

get data

Go ahead and download and unzip the data so you too can play along. I like wget.

$: wget
$: uzip

This will result in a tab-separated-values file called 'cities1000.txt'. In the following analysis we're only using the coordinates and the ids of a point. You could write your pig script to load all the fields and project out the ones you don't want or if you don't like writing gory pig schemas like me, you can cut them out ahead of time on the command line.

$: cut -f1,5,6 cities1000.txt > cities1000_cut.tsv

Where fields 1, 5, and 6 (in the cut command above) correspond to the geonameid, latitude, and longitude respectively.


Before we can write a pig script to actually deal with this we'd better have our algorithm solidly in hand. Here it is to the best of my ability to write it...
  1. Break the space into non-overlapping partitions.
  2. Run a non-parallel k-d tree generation algorithm on the points that fall within each partition.
  3. Merge the k-d trees from (2) into the result k-d tree

Non-overlapping partitions wtf?

Basically we need to break the space our points fall inside into smaller pieces that don't overlap. This is important for merging the trees in the final step since, with non-overlapping pieces, a point can only belong to one partition and, consequently, exactly one tree. If a point was inside more than one partition then we'd have a heck of a time merging the trees from those partitions since there'd be collisions. No fun.

Now, which algorithm do we actually use to partition? It can get complicated since it really depends on the performance you're looking for and the distribution of your data. You don't want to send too many points to a single partition. On the other hand, processing empty or mostly empty partitions really sucks too. In the Shevtsov et al. paper I referenced at the beginning of this post they run an initial clustering algorithm over the points and choose how to partition the space dynamically based on that clustering. However, since this is a blog post and I am but one man, we'll use an ok way of partitioning based on the quadkey tiling scheme described here. This basically just chops the space up into an even grid.

Ok, so now that I'm using tiles, how do I know what size tile to use? The quadkey system allows you to use a zoom level that ranges from 1 to 23. To pick the best one for this example I sampled the cities and generated a distribution of the number of points per tile at various resolutions:

Eyeballing it, it looks like 7 is a good zoom level at which to partition the space. Mostly it's because the distribution for 7 has an alright spread and I don't see hot spots where one partition gets waaay to many points like at levels 5 and 6. But, please, by all means, experiment with this.

Since we're dealing with geodata and I'm in a visualization mood, here's what Texas looks like partitioned at zoom level 7. The points are the actual cities pulled from our example data set:

As you can see, what with West Texas being a wasteland and all, the partitioning makes it so that some partitions get too much data and some get very little. Marfa's got dust and Dallas has all the suburbs. You just can't win with a grid. But, we're going to march forward anyhow.

non-parallel k-d tree

Since we're going to be using pig the k-d tree generation code will need to be written as a user-defined-function (UDF). Pig is going to group the points by their quadkey which will result in a bag, one per quadkey (partition). Hence, the UDF will need to take a bag of points as input.

Here's also where it's important to think about how we're going to represent the k-d tree during the pig processing. A nested tree representation doesn't work because we need to operate on individual nodes from the pig script itself (filtering, etc). So, the UDF will yield a bag of points, exactly the same size as the input, only with the left and right children (from the k-d tree) attached as fields. Let's call the UDF "KDTree". Rather than paste a couple hundred lines of java, an implementation can be found in the sounder repo on github here. Here's the important bits:

udf signature: KDTree(points) where points is a bag with the following schema:

      id:     chararray, 
      coords: tuple(
        lng:double, lat:double

output schema: The output is a bag, with the same size as the input, with the following schema:

      id:          chararray, 
      is_root:     int,
      axis:        int,
      above_child: chararray, 
      below_child: chararray, 
      coords:      tuple(
        lng:double, lat:double

A few things. In the output, above_child and below_child correspond to the right and left children of the point. They're labeled as such since the k-d tree udf can operate on k-dimensional points, not just 2-dimensional points. is_root is an integer, 0 or 1, indicating whether the node is the root of the k-d tree or not. This is because we're returning the nodes as a completely flat structure and we need to be able to reconstruct our tree. Also, in the next step of the algorithm, we're going to need to separate the roots of each partition from the branches. axis is the axis that this node splits (either 0 or 1). This is so that, once we reconstruct our tree, we know how to search it.

merging trees

This part seems complicated but it's actually pretty simple. Remember, it's only possible because we broke our original space into non-overlapping pieces. In the previous step we've generated a k-d tree for each of those pieces. As a result of this each partition has its own root node. To merge the trees we first need to nominate one of those roots (say, the median point along the longitude axis) as the top level root. Then, taking the top level root's tree to start we simply insert the other roots into this tree. Importantly, this step cannot be done (as far as I can tell) in parallel. Instead, it relies on how we ultimately choose to store (and query) the tree. I'll describe a simple way using a hashmap in a bit which can easily be extended to work with a distributed key-value store.


Implementing this in pig is actually pretty straightforward. I'll go over each part in turn.

First, as a convenience and to make the pig code more readable, we'll use the define keyword in to alias our udfs. GetQuadKey is the udf that generates the quadkeys and KDTree is the udf to generate a k-d tree from a bag of points.

define GetQuadkey sounder.pig.geo.GetQuadkey();
define KDTree     sounder.pig.points.KDTree();

Next, we simply load the data using pig's default PigStorage class with tabs as the field delimiter.

data = load '$POINTS' as (id:chararray, lat:double, lng:double);
Then we generate a quadkey for every point at resolution 7. We're also using pig's built in TOTUPLE operator since the k-d tree udf needs points to be specified as tuples of coordinates. This is so it can handle k-dimensional points and not just 2-dimensional points.

with_key = foreach data generate id, TOTUPLE(lng, lat) as point, GetQuadkey(lng, lat, 7) as quadkey;
And here's the meat of it where we group by quadkey (effectively using hadoop to partition our space) which collects all the points for a given partition into a single bag. This is fed to the k-d tree udf which does the work of creating the k-d trees.

trees = foreach (group with_key by quadkey) {
          tree = KDTree(with_key.(id, point));
            group as quadkey,
            FLATTEN(tree) as (id:chararray, is_root:int, axis:int, above_child:chararray, below_child:chararray, point:tuple(lng:double, lat:double));

Finally, the trees are split into roots (remember, each partition will have its own root) and branches. These are flattened to pull the coordinates out of their tuple containers and stored separately. The roots and branches need to be dealt with differently when creating the final k-d tree so they're stored separately to reflect that.

flat_trees = foreach trees generate id..below_child, flatten(point) as (lng, lat);
split flat_trees into roots if is_root==1, branches if is_root==0;

store roots    into '$ROOTS';
store branches into '$BRANCHES';


So let's go ahead and run that on our cities data. I saved the pig code above into a file called 'generate_kdtree.pig'. To run:

$: pig -p POINTS=cities1000_cut.tsv -p ROOTS=cities1000/roots -p BRANCHES=cities1000/branches generate_kdtree.pig

This should generate only one map-reduce job and result in a directory on the hdfs which contains the roots and branches of the k-d trees.

As a sanity check, here's an image of what texas looks like, now with the roots:

Since the first splitting axis in the k-d tree algorithm is the x-axis (longitude) we expect the root of each k-d tree to be the median point along that axis in its respective partition. By eyeballing every partition (I sure do a lot of eyeballing...) this appears to be true. So yay, looks good.

Also, notice I'm getting ahead of myself a bit and showing the root I've nominated as the top level node.

Final Tree

This part takes some care. First, we need to decide how we're actually going to store and query the k-d tree. Directly from the hdfs in its current form is definitely not going to work. For illustrative purposes I'm going to use a ruby hash to store and query the tree. This, of course, only works because the data is small enough to fit into memory. However, most distributed key-value stores and other, more complex nosql stores like cassandra and hbase, would work as well. For the purposes of this example you can think of them as giant ruby hashmaps too. The same basic query interface would work, just with a different data store backend.

As steps:

  1. Insert all the branches into the key-value store using the point id as the key and the rest of the point metadata as the value. Importantly the coordinates and the above_child and below_child are stored. How you do this is up to you.
  2. Nominate one of the roots as the top level root. Ideally this will be the median point along either the x or y axis. The idea here is that the number of partitions, thus the number of roots, will be small enough that finding the median point and nominating it as the root should be a simple single process problem.
  3. Insert the remaining roots into the key-value store using the standard k-d tree insertion procedure outlined in the wikipedia article
Of course you'll have to implement some basic k-d tree searching and insertion code, but that's a well understood problem. There are plenty of examples, eg here and here. My implementation can be found in the sounder repo on github here.

To use my code simply bring the cities1000/roots and cities1000/branches down to your local filesystem and run:

$: bin/test_built_tree.rb roots branches                                    
#&lt struct KDTree::Node id="4671654", axis=1, left="4698809", right="4723734", coords=[-97.74306, 30.26715]&gt

$: grep -i "4671654" cities1000.txt
4671654 Austin Austin AUS,Austin,Austino,Austinopolis,Aŭstino,Gorad Oscin,Ostin,Ostina,Ostinas,ao si ting,astin,astyn, tgzas,awstn, tksas,oseutin,ostina,osutin,xxstin,Ώστιν,Горад Осцін,Остин,Остін,Օսթին,אוסטין,آستین، تگزاس,آسٹن,آسٹن، ٹیکساس,أوستن، تكساس,ऑस्टिन,ஆஸ்டின்,ഓസ്റ്റിൻ,ออสติน,ოსტინი,オースティン,奧斯汀,오스틴 30.26715 -97.74306 P PPLA US  TX 453   790390 149 165 America/Chicago 2011-05-14

and should return Austin, the nearest city to my house. Yes.

One test. Yes, surely that's all you need to be convinced, right?

So it works. Hurray! k-d trees with pig. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Topic Discovery With Apache Pig and Mallet

A common desire when working with natural language is topic discovery. That is, given a set of documents (eg. tweets, blog posts, emails) you would like to discover the topics inherent in those documents. Often this method is used to summarize a large corpus of text so it can be quickly understood what that text is 'about'. You can go further and use topic discovery as a way to classify new documents or to group and organize the documents you've done topic discovery on.

Latent Dirichlet Allocation

One popular method for topic discovery in a corpus is Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). I won't pretend to be an expert on LDA but the main assumption is as follows. Each document is assumed to be a 'mixture' of topics. Going further, each topic is then assumed to be a distribution over terms. For example, say there is a topic in my corpus labeled 'apache hadoop'. It could be represented as a multinomial probability distribution with high probability of generating terms such as 'hadoop', 'data', 'apache', and 'map-reduce'. See the wikipedia article on LDA


I'm going to use Apache Pig and Mallet, a java based machine learning and natural language processing library to discover topics in the 20 newsgroups data set. This corpus is nice since each document already belongs to a newsgroup (a topic) and so it gives us a way of checking how well our topic discovery is doing.

The Data

The 20 newsgroups data set can be found on Infochimps here. Once you've got the data go ahead and place it somewhere on your hdfs. I put mine in my home directory under '20newsgroups/data'.

Here's what a head of that data looks like:

alt.atheism.53536 From: (Keith M. Ryan) Subject: Re: Smullyanism for the day..... In article ... *snip*
alt.atheism.51164 From: (Mark McCullough) Subject: Re: Idle questions for fellow atheists In article ... *snip*
alt.atheism.53448 From: (Kent Sandvik) Subject: Age of Reason Was: ... *snip*
alt.atheism.53753 Subject: Re: The Inimitable Rushdie From: In article ... *snip*
alt.atheism.53290 From: Andrew Newell Subject: Re: Christian Morality is In article ... *snip*

It's a little messy but it should get the point across.

So it's tab separated where the first field is the document id (a concatenation of the newsgroup the document is coming from and an integer id). The second field is the document text itself. Here's the pig schema for that:

(doc_id:chararray, text:chararray)


LDA operates on a set of documents. Trivially we could just skip the pig part and write a simple java program that operates on the entire document set and be done with it. But that's not the point. Typically, your input documents have metadata attached to them. For example, the region or user they're coming from, or even just the date they were generated. So we'll just use pig's GROUP BY statement to group the documents by this metadata and cluster the documents within each group independently. If the documents don't have this kind of metadata we're stuck doing a GROUP ALL and dealing with all the documents at once. There are clever ways of parallelizing LDA in this case that I'm not going to go into. See here and here.

Here's a sketch of the algorithm:

  • (1) Load documents

  • (2) Group the documents by appropriate metadata (or by all)

  • (3) Run LDA on each group of documents

  • (4) Profit!!!


So it's clear that we're going to need a java udf to do the actual topic clustering. Right? This udf will operate on a DataBag of documents and return a DataBag containing the discovered topics. Each topic will be represented by a Tuple with the following schema:

(topic:tuple(topic_num:int, terms:bag{t:tuple(term:chararray, weight:double)}))

Each topic has a DataBag of top terms associated with it as a way of characterizing the topic discovered.

Here's the simplest implementation of such a udf I could come up with using Mallet (it's a mouthful):

package varaha.topic;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.pig.EvalFunc;
import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException;

import cc.mallet.pipe.Pipe;
import cc.mallet.pipe.CharSequenceLowercase;
import cc.mallet.pipe.CharSequence2TokenSequence;
import cc.mallet.pipe.CharSequence2CharNGrams;
import cc.mallet.pipe.TokenSequenceNGrams;
import cc.mallet.pipe.TokenSequenceRemoveStopwords;
import cc.mallet.pipe.TokenSequence2FeatureSequence;
import cc.mallet.pipe.TokenSequence2FeatureSequenceWithBigrams;

import cc.mallet.types.TokenSequence;
import cc.mallet.types.Token;

import cc.mallet.pipe.SerialPipes;
import cc.mallet.types.InstanceList;
import cc.mallet.types.Instance;
import cc.mallet.types.Alphabet;
import cc.mallet.types.IDSorter;
import cc.mallet.types.LabelSequence;
import cc.mallet.topics.TopicAssignment;
import cc.mallet.topics.ParallelTopicModel;

public class LDATopics extends EvalFunc<DataBag> {

private Pipe pipe;
private static Long numKeywords = 50l; // Maximum number of keywords to use to describe a topic

public LDATopics() {
pipe = buildPipe();

public DataBag exec(Tuple input) throws IOException {
if (input == null || input.size() < 2 || input.isNull(0) || input.isNull(1))
return null;

Integer numTopics = (Integer)input.get(0); // Number of topics to discover
DataBag documents = (DataBag)input.get(1); // Documents, {(doc_id, text)}
DataBag result = BagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag();

InstanceList instances = new InstanceList(pipe);

// Add the input databag as source data and run it through the pipe built
// by the constructor.
instances.addThruPipe(new DataBagSourceIterator(documents));

// Create a model with numTopics, alpha_t = 0.01, beta_w = 0.01
// Note that the first parameter is passed as the sum over topics, while
// the second is the parameter for a single dimension of the Dirichlet prior.
ParallelTopicModel model = new ParallelTopicModel(numTopics, 1.0, 0.01);
model.setNumThreads(1); // Important, since this is being run in the reduce, just use one thread

// Get the results
Alphabet dataAlphabet = instances.getDataAlphabet();
ArrayList<TopicAssignment> assignments = model.getData();

// Convert the results into comprehensible topics
for (int topicNum = 0; topicNum < model.getNumTopics(); topicNum++) {
TreeSet<IDSorter> sortedWords = model.getSortedWords().get(topicNum);
Iterator<IDSorter> iterator = sortedWords.iterator();

DataBag topic = BagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag();

// Get the set of keywords with weights for this topic and add them as tuples
// to the databag used to represent this topic
while (iterator.hasNext() && topic.size() < numKeywords) {
IDSorter info =;
Tuple weightedWord = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(2);
String wordToken = model.alphabet.lookupObject(info.getID()).toString(); // get the actual term text
weightedWord.set(0, wordToken);
weightedWord.set(1, info.getWeight()); // the raw weight of the term
Tuple topicTuple = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(2);
topicTuple.set(0, topicNum);
topicTuple.set(1, topic);

return result;

// Instantiates a new pipe object for ingesting pig tuples
private Pipe buildPipe() {
Pattern tokenPattern = Pattern.compile("\\S[\\S]+\\S");
int[] sizes = {1,2};
ArrayList pipeList = new ArrayList();

pipeList.add(new CharSequence2TokenSequence(tokenPattern));
pipeList.add(new TokenSequenceRemoveStopwords(false, false)); // we should use a real stop word list
pipeList.add(new TokenSequenceNGramsDelim(sizes, " "));
pipeList.add(new TokenSequence2FeatureSequence());
return new SerialPipes(pipeList);

A few minor updates to TokenSequenceNGrams:

(1) use delimiter that's passed in to delineate ngrams
private class TokenSequenceNGramsDelim extends TokenSequenceNGrams {
int [] gramSizes = null;
String delim = null;

public TokenSequenceNGramsDelim(int [] sizes, String delim) {
this.gramSizes = sizes;
this.delim = delim;

public Instance pipe (Instance carrier) {
String newTerm = null;
TokenSequence tmpTS = new TokenSequence();
TokenSequence ts = (TokenSequence) carrier.getData();

for (int i = 0; i < ts.size(); i++) {
Token t = ts.get(i);
for(int j = 0; j < gramSizes.length; j++) {
int len = gramSizes[j];
if (len <= 0 || len > (i+1)) continue;
if (len == 1) { tmpTS.add(t); continue; }
newTerm = new String(t.getText());
for(int k = 1; k < len; k++)
newTerm = ts.get(i-k).getText() + delim + newTerm;
return carrier;

Allow for a databag to be source data for mallet's clustering
private class DataBagSourceIterator implements Iterator<Instance> {

private Iterator<Tuple> tupleItr;
private String currentId;
private String currentText;

public DataBagSourceIterator(DataBag bag) {
tupleItr = bag.iterator();

public boolean hasNext() {
if (tupleItr.hasNext()) {
Tuple t =;
try {
if (!t.isNull(0) && !t.isNull(1)) {
currentId = t.get(0).toString();
currentText = t.get(1).toString();
if (currentId.isEmpty() || currentText.isEmpty()) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} catch (ExecException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return false;

public Instance next() {
// Get the next tuple and pull out its fields
Instance i = new Instance(currentText, "X", currentId, null);
return i;

public void remove() {

There's a few key things going on here. First, the udf operates on a bag that contains tuples with exactly two fields, doc_id and text. Mallet has the notion of pipes where your input data flows through a set of 'pipes' as a way of preparing the data. The class DataBagSourceIterator is simply a convenient way of plugging a DataBag object into this flow.

One of the pipes our documents flow through actually tokenizes the text. TokenSequenceNGramsDelim does this work. Mallet has a built-in TokenSequenceNGrams that works nicely, unfortunately when tokenizing n-grams where n > 1 it uses an '_' by default to separate the terms in the ngram. TokenSequenceNGramsDelim allows us to use our own delimiter, namely a ' ', instead.

Ultimately, all this udf does is read the input documents, prepare them for clustering, runs Mallet's built in LDA methods, and constructs the output DataBag in the way we'd like it.

See varaha for the code itself plus a pom.xml to compile it.


Now that we have our udf, let's write a pig script to use it. Since the documents I've chosen to use don't have any obvious (or at least easy to get at) additional metadata we're going to use a GROUP ALL. Here's the pig script:

define TokenizeText varaha.text.TokenizeText();
define LDATopics varaha.topic.LDATopics();
define RangeConcat org.pygmalion.udf.RangeBasedStringConcat('0', ' ');

-- Load the docs
raw_documents = load '$DOCS' as (doc_id:chararray, text:chararray);

-- Tokenize text to remove stopwords
tokenized = foreach raw_documents generate doc_id AS doc_id, flatten(TokenizeText(text)) as (token:chararray);

-- Concat the text for a given doc with spaces
documents = foreach (group tokenized by doc_id) generate group as doc_id, RangeConcat(tokenized.token) as text;

-- Ensure all our documents are sane
for_lda = filter documents by SIZE(doc_id) > 0 and SIZE(text) > 0;

-- Group the docs by all and find topics
-- WARNING: This is, in general, not appropriate in a production environment.
-- Instead it is best to group by some piece of metadata which partitions
-- the documents into smaller groups.
topics = foreach (group for_lda all) generate
FLATTEN(LDATopics(20, for_lda)) as (
keywords:bag {t:tuple(keyword:chararray, weight:int)}

store topics into '$OUT';

There's a few things worth pointing out here. First, we load our text as normal. There's a step there to tokenize text which seems like it might be spurious. It uses the lucene tokenization udf from here as a way to remove stopwords. You could skip this step if that wasn't important for you. Next, the tokenized text is grouped back together by document id and concatenated back together to form cleaned documents. I'm using the nice udf from pygmalion to do the concatenation. Finally, the documents are grouped together and topics are discovered.

Run it!

At this point we're ready to run our script. I named this script 'discover_topics_example.pig'. And here's how I ran it:

pig -p DOCS=20newsgroups/data -p OUT=20newsgroups/topics discover_topics_example.pig

And here's what the output looks like:

0 {(max,4523.0),(max max,3266.0),(g9v,1161.0),(b8f,1109.0),(a86,913.0),(g9v g9v,834.0),(145,740.0),(1d9,656.0),(a86 a86,643.0),(b8f b8f,599.0),(34u,512.0),(145 145,449.0),(75u,446.0),(bhj,445.0),(giz,430.0),(2di,414.0),(1d9 1d9,322.0),(2tm,300.0),(7ey,292.0),(2di 2di,247.0),(bxn,240.0),(6ei,215.0),(6um,189.0),(34u 34u,168.0),(75u 75u,162.0),(bhj bhj,150.0),(giz giz,142.0),(air,129.0),(qax,127.0),(b4q,120.0),(okz,116.0),(6um 6um,112.0),(nrhj,112.0),(b8e,109.0),(7kn,104.0),(1eq,102.0),(bxn bxn,99.0),(c8v,99.0),(rlk,99.0),(fyn,97.0),(2tm 2tm,96.0),(b9r,96.0),(3dy,96.0),(7ez,95.0),(1d9l,93.0),(b8g,92.0),(biz,91.0),(7ex,86.0),(7ey 7ey,84.0),(r8f,82.0)}
1 {(medical,480.0),(subject,473.0),(disease,431.0),(health,373.0),(cancer,349.0),(msg,344.0),(patients,331.0),(article,329.0),(food,285.0),(writes,281.0),(treatment,253.0),(hiv,249.0),(doctor,237.0),(gordon,229.0),(medicine,226.0),(aids,222.0),(candida,212.0),(diet,208.0),(yeast,204.0),(banks,198.0),(infection,188.0),(geb,185.0),(research,181.0),(drug,180.0),(pain,177.0),(effects,171.0),(study,170.0),(information,170.0),(patient,162.0),(1993,158.0),(clinical,152.0),(vitamin,148.0),(dyer,148.0),(studies,145.0),(chronic,138.0),(risk,135.0),(symptoms,135.0),(april,132.0),(doctors,131.0),(diseases,129.0),(body,127.0),(newsletter,124.0),(blood,124.0),(weight,123.0),(page,122.0),(syndrome,120.0),(foods,119.0),(,115.0),(volume,114.0),(hicnet,109.0)}
2 {(game,1010.0),(subject,831.0),(team,799.0),(hockey,725.0),(play,544.0),(games,466.0),(nhl,465.0),(writes,453.0),(season,390.0),(article,382.0),(win,372.0),(players,372.0),(period,303.0),(player,298.0),(goal,286.0),(teams,274.0),(cup,251.0),(league,248.0),(playoff,247.0),(pit,244.0),(detroit,236.0),(det,233.0),(espn,232.0),(leafs,228.0),(pittsburgh,228.0),(wings,223.0),(playoffs,220.0),(fans,214.0),(boston,207.0),(series,202.0),(toronto,200.0),(bos,198.0),(pens,198.0),(played,192.0),(blues,191.0),(chi,185.0),(montreal,184.0),(puck,181.0),(goals,178.0),(buffalo,176.0),(bruins,175.0),(devils,172.0),(maynard,171.0),(penguins,170.0),(april,169.0),(division,169.0),(power,168.0),(ice,165.0),(tor,161.0),(flyers,160.0)}
3 {(subject,1528.0),(drive,1442.0),(scsi,1181.0),(card,1178.0),(disk,682.0),(windows,644.0),(system,603.0),(ide,571.0),(bus,542.0),(dos,512.0),(hard,490.0),(modem,481.0),(software,460.0),(mac,450.0),(writes,450.0),(drives,447.0),(controller,420.0),(drivers,420.0),(article,394.0),(video,393.0),(bit,382.0),(memory,373.0),(board,365.0),(computer,356.0),(cards,349.0),(port,345.0),(ram,326.0),(driver,317.0),(disks,317.0),(data,313.0),(sale,311.0),(floppy,301.0),(i'm,294.0),(motherboard,289.0),(speed,286.0),(isa,277.0),(mode,252.0),(chip,250.0),(machine,240.0),(486,237.0),(bios,234.0),(ibm,226.0),(serial,221.0),(gateway,215.0),(run,214.0),(hardware,213.0),(set,211.0),(cache,209.0),(diamond,207.0),(mhz,200.0)}
4 {(gun,1095.0),(writes,942.0),(article,838.0),(subject,756.0),(fbi,647.0),(government,545.0),(fire,510.0),(guns,505.0),(batf,464.0),(waco,456.0),(koresh,437.0),(children,400.0),(atf,371.0),(weapons,345.0),(compound,288.0),(people,277.0),(cdt,251.0),(police,248.0),(clinton,248.0),(firearms,240.0),(control,234.0),(gas,233.0),(crime,228.0),(law,219.0),(federal,212.0),(killed,201.0),(david,193.0),(constitution,187.0),(survivors,180.0),(house,162.0),(hallam,158.0),(assault,155.0),(ranch,154.0),(agents,153.0),(criminals,150.0),(deaths,150.0),(arms,150.0),(davidians,145.0),(warrant,143.0),(started,143.0),(amendment,141.0),(roby,138.0),(burns,138.0),(tanks,137.0),(texas,136.0),(veal,131.0),(armed,131.0),(murder,130.0),(cult,129.0),(rights,129.0)}
5 {(andy,110.0),(kratz,91.0),(semi,84.0),(water,77.0),(,74.0),(revolver,73.0),(gun,72.0),(auto,70.0),(safety,64.0),(freeman,62.0),(jason,59.0),(ndet_loop.c,54.0),(u28037,50.0),(weapon,50.0),(gang,50.0),(cops,49.0),(,49.0),(02p,48.0),(expose,48.0),(mydisplay,43.0),(glock,42.0),(mahan,41.0),( andy,39.0),(,39.0),(andy,37.0),(section,37.0),(firearm,36.0),(mwra,36.0),(ssave,35.0),(phil,35.0),(military,35.0),(trigger,34.0),(cement,33.0),(auto semi,31.0),(shooting,31.0),(jason kratz,30.0),(garrett,29.0),(silence,29.0),(autos,28.0),(dominance,28.0),(semi auto,27.0),(water dept,27.0),(concealed,26.0),(revolvers,25.0),(u28037,25.0),(moment silence,25.0),(ordnance,25.0),(atlantic,25.0),(,25.0),(item,25.0)}
6 {(god,2686.0),(jesus,1457.0),(bible,909.0),(christian,823.0),(christ,809.0),(church,781.0),(christians,739.0),(subject,719.0),(sin,589.0),(lord,504.0),(god's,494.0),(faith,478.0),(people,464.0),(sandvik,425.0),(life,411.0),(christianity,405.0),(writes,405.0),(paul,367.0),(love,358.0),(law,357.0),(hell,344.0),(heaven,323.0),(truth,313.0),(word,311.0),(,295.0),(article,295.0),(john,283.0),(catholic,280.0),(scripture,278.0),(father,257.0),(holy,254.0),(spirit,253.0),(son,248.0),(kent,234.0),(true,233.0),(eternal,231.0),(doctrine,231.0),(death,226.0),(brian,223.0),(day,214.0),(apr,211.0),(,210.0),(jehovah,204.0),(children,204.0),(biblical,203.0),(words,200.0),(book,198.0),(earth,191.0),(jews,190.0),(matthew,190.0)}
7 {(turkish,827.0),(armenian,826.0),(armenians,694.0),(armenia,452.0),(turkey,449.0),(turks,414.0),(war,383.0),(muslim,360.0),(genocide,346.0),(muslims,343.0),(soviet,332.0),(people,310.0),(greek,294.0),(government,268.0),(argic,263.0),(serdar,262.0),(russian,254.0),(jews,248.0),(history,243.0),(azerbaijan,239.0),(world,202.0),(university,201.0),(greece,199.0),(istanbul,193.0),(killed,185.0),(population,184.0),(article,176.0),(ottoman,170.0),(bosnia,169.0),(children,169.0),(soldiers,167.0),(serbs,160.0),(greeks,158.0),(europe,156.0),(1920,148.0),(extermination,147.0),(army,144.0),(zuma.uucp,141.0),(subject,141.0),(1919,134.0),(sera,132.0),(dead,132.0),(troops,130.0),(bosnian,130.0),(mountain,129.0),(closed,128.0),(serve,128.0),(roads,127.0),(empire,127.0),(escape,126.0)}
8 {(writes,525.0),(cramer,460.0),(article,459.0),(homosexual,407.0),(gay,402.0),(homosexuality,384.0),(subject,351.0),(sex,324.0),(sexual,281.0),(clayton,274.0),(health,271.0),(homosexuals,256.0),(,248.0),(drugs,240.0),(insurance,216.0),(study,214.0),(drug,202.0),(government,195.0),(male,168.0),(tax,146.0),(kaldis,144.0),(private,134.0),(people,131.0),(percentage,129.0),(child,126.0),(care,120.0),(children,118.0),(clayton cramer,116.0),(cramer,108.0),( cramer,108.0),(,108.0),(women,101.0),(kinsey,95.0),(cramer clayton,95.0),(rights,95.0),(population,95.0),(magnus.acs.ohio,94.0),(writes article,88.0),(abortion,84.0),(american,84.0),(partners,83.0),(political,80.0),(gays,78.0),(heterosexual,78.0),(national,78.0),(church,76.0),(evidence,76.0),(issues,75.0),(laws,75.0),(optilink,74.0)}
9 {(subject,898.0),(list,647.0),(mail,581.0),(university,394.0),(address,317.0),(email,278.0),(information,276.0),(mailing,246.0),(send,219.0),(computer,216.0),(1993,210.0),(internet,199.0),(conference,198.0),(research,197.0),(fax,189.0),(systems,159.0),(newsgroup,155.0),(contact,141.0),(message,141.0),(government,130.0),(date,130.0),(apr,130.0),(steve,130.0),(request,125.0),(info,122.0),(phone,121.0),(news,120.0),(canada,118.0),(article,118.0),(,111.0),(science,110.0),(dept,110.0),(writes,110.0),(newsgroups,109.0),(april,107.0),(national,105.0),(graphics,103.0),(book,102.0),(john,102.0),(mailing list,98.0),(institute,98.0),(books,97.0),(addresses,96.0),(organization,96.0),(usa,95.0),(software,95.0),(james,93.0),(reply,92.0),(paul,89.0),(center,88.0)}
10 {(subject,1355.0),(sale,583.0),(writes,375.0),(power,362.0),(battery,316.0),(article,290.0),(radio,242.0),(sound,224.0),(radar,209.0),(phone,208.0),(circuit,199.0),(ground,183.0),(offer,182.0),(shipping,178.0),(condition,178.0),(mail,176.0),(audio,174.0),(tape,173.0),(sell,171.0),(signal,168.0),(current,167.0),(amp,166.0),(price,164.0),(detector,162.0),(system,160.0),(box,155.0),(heat,154.0),(batteries,150.0),(line,148.0),(blue,144.0),(noise,143.0),(output,142.0),(voltage,142.0),(chip,141.0),(stereo,137.0),(games,131.0),(supply,131.0),(equipment,129.0),(cpu,127.0),(john,126.0),(light,122.0),(wire,121.0),(low,121.0),(air,117.0),(input,115.0),(channel,114.0),(car,112.0),(original,109.0),(lead,109.0),(computer,108.0)}
11 {(subject,1177.0),(monitor,490.0),(writes,481.0),(apple,473.0),(mac,388.0),(article,335.0),(printer,296.0),(mouse,279.0),(computer,269.0),(xterm,243.0),(video,240.0),(software,233.0),(centris,226.0),(screen,208.0),(mail,205.0),(i've,203.0),(keyboard,200.0),(system,198.0),(monitors,191.0),(i'm,190.0),(color,181.0),(price,168.0),(running,168.0),(duo,166.0),(quadra,160.0),(bit,158.0),(print,152.0),(machine,151.0),(university,143.0),(internet,139.0),(info,139.0),(email,133.0),(ram,130.0),(vga,126.0),(laser,125.0),(key,122.0),(x11r5,120.0),(speed,120.0),(610,119.0),(box,119.0),(fpu,117.0),(display,116.0),(fax,116.0),(lib,114.0),(powerbook,113.0),(buy,110.0),(deskjet,109.0),(simms,109.0),(lciii,107.0),(hardware,104.0)}
12 {(windows,1782.0),(subject,1779.0),(file,1209.0),(program,863.0),(files,838.0),(window,809.0),(dos,715.0),(image,676.0),(writes,586.0),(graphics,541.0),(article,497.0),(software,441.0),(run,425.0),(display,424.0),(version,422.0),(server,404.0),(code,386.0),(data,371.0),(ftp,369.0),(images,366.0),(unix,364.0),(color,349.0),(bit,347.0),(application,339.0),(i'm,324.0),(manager,323.0),(motif,321.0),(directory,313.0),(format,312.0),(user,302.0),(mail,302.0),(system,296.0),(gif,292.0),(running,288.0),(microsoft,287.0),(screen,284.0),(package,271.0),(faq,264.0),(jpeg,259.0),(i've,251.0),(line,250.0),(memory,247.0),(programs,244.0),(3.1,236.0),(applications,226.0),(set,218.0),(support,201.0),(information,199.0),(source,198.0),(text,195.0)}
13 {(space,1339.0),(subject,597.0),(writes,567.0),(henry,484.0),(launch,443.0),(article,421.0),(moon,376.0),(earth,373.0),(orbit,366.0),(nasa,365.0),(shuttle,323.0),(spacecraft,268.0),(system,265.0),(solar,264.0),(mission,264.0),(satellite,261.0),(pat,254.0),(sky,253.0),(,222.0),(data,215.0),(science,214.0),(spencer,205.0),(station,203.0),(lunar,195.0),(energy,174.0),(flight,166.0),(cost,165.0),(project,162.0),(hst,161.0),(mars,161.0),(program,161.0),( henry,159.0),(ray,155.0),(prb,152.0),(henry,152.0),(billion,151.0),(atmosphere,149.0),(technology,145.0),(baalke,143.0),(april,140.0),(nuclear,139.0),(gamma,138.0),(universe,137.0),(astronomy,133.0),(theory,133.0),(planet,132.0),(sun,131.0),(commercial,130.0),(,127.0),(nsmca,124.0)}
14 {(subject,1478.0),(car,1469.0),(writes,1381.0),(article,1227.0),(bike,741.0),(cars,481.0),(dod,471.0),(engine,422.0),(ride,306.0),(bmw,292.0),(speed,280.0),(miles,276.0),(oil,267.0),(front,259.0),(drive,254.0),(honda,249.0),(riding,244.0),(road,244.0),(ford,242.0),(i've,240.0),(i'm,228.0),(driving,217.0),(dealer,210.0),(buy,206.0),(insurance,205.0),(bikes,204.0),(dog,198.0),(motorcycle,196.0),(rear,179.0),(price,171.0),(wheel,168.0),(left,164.0),(clutch,162.0),(helmet,157.0),(article writes,155.0),(writes article,154.0),(tires,147.0),(brake,146.0),(mike,143.0),(shaft,140.0),(john,138.0),(don't,138.0),(andrew,135.0),(mustang,133.0),(gas,131.0),(manual,131.0),(bought,129.0),(fast,128.0),(buying,127.0),(,124.0)}
15 {(key,1377.0),(clipper,1002.0),(encryption,857.0),(chip,851.0),(subject,667.0),(government,646.0),(keys,557.0),(writes,507.0),(security,492.0),(public,453.0),(privacy,419.0),(escrow,416.0),(article,410.0),(des,390.0),(system,385.0),(algorithm,375.0),(law,358.0),(phone,339.0),(nsa,332.0),(,327.0),(crypto,308.0),(information,307.0),(secure,304.0),(pgp,300.0),(message,285.0),(secret,282.0),(data,276.0),(bit,265.0),(david,258.0),(cryptography,245.0),(enforcement,245.0),(anonymous,240.0),(code,235.0),(technology,229.0),(encrypted,219.0),(wiretap,217.0),(sternlight,209.0),(internet,204.0),(chip clipper,199.0),(clipper chip,199.0),(access,189.0),(agencies,188.0),(communications,188.0),(chips,184.0),(private,182.0),(computer,173.0),(clinton,167.0),(rsa,165.0),(mail,162.0),(administration,155.0)}
16 {(god,963.0),(writes,892.0),(subject,674.0),(article,625.0),(atheists,525.0),(morality,509.0),(religion,497.0),(moral,449.0),(evidence,432.0),(keith,415.0),(science,380.0),(atheism,365.0),(objective,365.0),(belief,319.0),(christian,317.0),(livesey,312.0),(islam,305.0),(argument,288.0),(atheist,287.0),(exist,287.0),(faith,277.0),(existence,274.0),(religious,272.0),(islamic,258.0),(frank,247.0),(mathew,242.0),(jon,235.0),(beliefs,198.0),(reason,191.0),(claim,188.0),(true,187.0),(exists,179.0),(statement,173.0),(christianity,169.0),(bible,169.0),(wrong,166.0),(values,162.0),(theism,160.0),(system,158.0),(universe,157.0),(truth,155.0),(,152.0),(cobb,149.0),(jaeger,148.0),(scientific,145.0),(rushdie,142.0),(muslim,142.0),(question,140.0),(agree,139.0),(wrote,133.0)}
17 {(don't,6736.0),(people,6088.0),(subject,5058.0),(time,4513.0),(i'm,3901.0),(writes,3872.0),(article,3356.0),(read,1874.0),(can't,1861.0),(question,1855.0),(doesn't,1769.0),(didn't,1683.0),(i've,1672.0),(that's,1653.0),(lot,1401.0),(real,1388.0),(day,1386.0),(post,1360.0),(world,1311.0),(person,1239.0),(you're,1239.0),(true,1214.0),(wrong,1211.0),(isn't,1155.0),(heard,1136.0),(reason,1125.0),(bad,1125.0),(times,1098.0),(called,1096.0),(i'd,1082.0),(idea,1043.0),(found,1043.0),(remember,1032.0),(life,1023.0),(system,1003.0),(makes,983.0),(means,974.0),(call,969.0),(money,965.0),(power,942.0),(free,926.0),(ago,925.0),(based,909.0),(feel,907.0),(hope,887.0),(hard,887.0),(i'll,885.0),(questions,876.0),(matter,875.0),(david,865.0)}
18 {(israel,1036.0),(israeli,740.0),(jews,599.0),(writes,561.0),(arab,515.0),(subject,497.0),(jewish,482.0),(article,461.0),(war,318.0),(arabs,288.0),(policy,242.0),(jake,235.0),(peace,234.0),(palestinian,224.0),(adl,215.0),(center,187.0),(israelis,185.0),(palestinians,177.0),(kuwait,175.0),(anti,169.0),(killed,164.0),(research,164.0),(palestine,158.0),(gaza,152.0),(,147.0),(civilians,144.0),(soldiers,144.0),(occupied,144.0),(american,142.0),(cpr,141.0),(iran,141.0),(lebanese,138.0),(land,138.0),(,136.0),(,131.0),(bony1,131.0),(jew,130.0),(government,129.0),(jerusalem,127.0),(lebanon,126.0),(rights,123.0),(clinton,121.0),(israel's,119.0),(adam,119.0),(zionism,118.0),(press,118.0),(country,117.0),(president,116.0),(opinions,114.0),(yassin,113.0)}
19 {(subject,866.0),(writes,741.0),(article,596.0),(game,578.0),(baseball,516.0),(team,462.0),(players,402.0),(games,385.0),(hit,286.0),(runs,264.0),(season,241.0),(morris,227.0),(win,223.0),(league,223.0),(braves,214.0),(michael,201.0),(ball,192.0),(pitching,181.0),(he's,179.0),(player,176.0),(pitcher,171.0),(hitter,170.0),(play,162.0),(georgia,160.0),(average,158.0),(run,155.0),(roger,150.0),(jays,149.0),(hitting,147.0),(sox,146.0),(david,146.0),(cubs,137.0),(home,135.0),(stats,134.0),(fans,133.0),(mike,131.0),(giants,128.0),(fan,127.0),(base,126.0),(batting,125.0),(pitch,125.0),(,124.0),(bonds,123.0),(covington,122.0),(jewish,121.0),(time,121.0),(career,120.0),(teams,119.0),(mcovingt,119.0),(smith,117.0)}


Now, we'd like to see how well we did. Here's the 20 topics we _know_ should exist:

  • alt.atheism




  • comp.sys.mac.hardware







  • sci.crypt

  • sci.electronics



  • soc.religion.christian

  • talk.politics.guns

  • talk.politics.mideast

  • talk.politics.misc

  • talk.religion.misc

There are a number of methods for labeling topics discovered in this way, (see here), but in the interest of time I'm going to manually match the topics above to the ones discovered. Obviously, 'eyeballing' it isn't appropriate for a production environment...

  • alt.atheism,16




  • comp.sys.mac.hardware,11







  • sci.crypt,15

  • sci.electronics



  • soc.religion.christian,6

  • talk.politics.guns,5

  • talk.politics.mideast,18,7

  • talk.politics.misc,4

  • talk.religion.misc,8

So, as far as I can tell there are some that map to multiple of the topics discovered and some that don't seem to map to one discovered at all. It's clear there's room for improvement (look at the parameters alpha and beta I'm hardcoding in the topic model for example). But all in all it's pretty good as a first pass. Now go away and find some topics.
